Olympiastadion din Munchen, un complex sportiv cu vedere panoramică asupra orașului

Construit pentru olimpiada din 1972, Olympia Park e un complex atletic ce găzduiește cel mai faimos stadion german (Olympiastadion), o sală polivalentă acoperită (Olympia Halle), un bazin de înot acoperit (Olympia Schwimmhalle), fostul sat olimpic și o mulțime de alte obiective. În total sunt douăzeci de componente ale acestui complex gigantic, care are până și […]

Muzeul BMW, mândria tehnologică a Bavariei

“Bayerische Motoren Werke”, adică Fabrica de Motoare Bavareze, poartă numele regiunii din care provine într-o siglă recunoscută în întreaga lume: BMW. Pentru a sublinia greutatea acestui renume, BMW are propriul muzeu în Munchen, capitala Bavariei. Clădirea a fost proiectată de arhitectul Karl Schwanzer la foarte mică distanţă de cartierul general al firmei, unde sunt proiectate […]

BMW Museum, the technological pride of Bavaria

“Bayerische Motoren Werke” carries out the name of Bavaria in only three letters: BMW, one of the most renown car manufacturers of the world. To mark its status, the car maker even has its own museum opened in 1972 in the capital of the land (province) Bavaria, Munich. It was designed by architect Karl Schwanzer […]

Olympiastadion, a look over Munchen

Built for the 1972 Olympics, the Olympia Park is an athletic and entertainment complex that hosts Germany’s most famous stadium (Olympiastadion) an indoor gym (Olympia Hall), a covered swimming pool (Olympia Schwimmhalle), the former olympic village and lots of other sport facilities. A total of twenty buildings compose this gigantic complex that even has its […]

The blue sky of Bavaria

The blue sky and the endless green fields and hills are my best memories from Bavaria, the largest of the German states (lands). The rural area of this region is a particularly quiet place, watched by the Alps and watered by the Danube and Main. The capital city of Bavaria is Munich, a 1,3 million […]

O2 building in Munchen

Oxygen building is the headquarters of a leading telecommunications company in Europe. It is the reshape of Hochhaus Uptown Munchen, which now is dressed in clear blue glass to remind the logo of O2. At 38 stores high it is not really a skyscraper, but its slender look make it distinguishable in the landscape of […]

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