Demonstrații live de coafură și machiaj la Zilele Frumuseții

Timp de trei zile, Sala Polivalenta din Bucuresti a fost luata cu asalt atat de doamnele interesate de metode de intretinere a frumusetii, cat mai ales de specialisti din industria cosmetica si de intretinere. In incinta salii si pe holurile de acces au fost expuse produse si aparatura pentru machiaj, coafura, body-painting manichiura si nail […]

Luxurious furniture and jewelry presentation

Luxury Show was an opportunity to see various limited edition items, from cars with leather and rare wood interior, unique furniture, yachts and motorcycles. The event included several presentations such as a jewelry presentation. Celebrities were also invited to attend, among them princess Margareta and socialite Irinel and Moni Columbeanu. The jewelries were created by […]

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