În 1937, când Areţia Tătărescu i-a propus realizarea ansamblului de la Târgu-Jiu, Constantin Brâncuşi era deja spre finalul odiseei care îl purtase din satul vecin Hobiţa, la Paris şi New York, pentru a revoluţiona arta contemporană. Văduvele ostaşilor căzuţi în primul război mondial doreau să comemoreze printr-un monument sacrificiul celor care participaseră astfel la înfăptuirea […]
Constantin Brancusi is one of the most influential artists of the 20th century, marking a revolution in modern sculpture. In fact, his works were so much ahead of his time that when he traveled to America for an exhibition they were confiscated by the customs authorities who could not conceive that sculptures could look that […]